White-labeling (Rebranding)
You can change the logo, color scheme, domain name, and other aspects of the user interface to match your own identity and preferences. White-labeling enables you to offer a seamless and consistent experience to your customers, partners, or internal users who access your service mesh platform. White-labeling also helps you to differentiate your platform from other Layer5 Cloud users and competitors, and to enhance your brand recognition and loyalty.
Customizing Themes
The Layer5 Cloud dashboard can be customized with your own branding, including your full-sized logo, logo mark, and color scheme. Customized theme colors also affect email notifications.
This example includes a custom branding with colors and full-sized logo.

This example includes a custom branding with colors and logo mark.

This example includes a custom branding with colors and full-sized logo.

This example includes a custom branding with colors and full-sized logo.

Enable White Labeling: Organization Preferences
Layer5 Cloud supports customizing themes on a per organization basis. This includes the ability to upload your own logo and define your own color scheme. Your logo will be displayed in the top left corner of the dashboard. Both a full-sized logo and a logo mark are supported.
As an Organization Administrator, you can add your organization’s logo to the global navigation bar, which supports a large, horizontal logo for desktop users and a small, square logo for mobile users. The logo appears at the top of each user’s window for all Layer5 Cloud pages within your organization.
This example shows how to customize through different themes

Custom Logos
You can upload your own logo for your organization. Logo appears in upper left corner of all Layer5 Cloud pages. All teams, workspaces, and users in your organization will use these custom logos.
Your custom logos will optionally be visible to external users if you choose to customize your login screen. Otherwise, your custom logos will only be visible to users within your organization.
If you use a mobile device, the logo mark will be visible.
Logo Image Requirements
Logo images must be either in SVG, PNG or GIF format. GIF images can be animated, but are not recommended given their distraction to users. The maximum file size for each image is 500 KB.
Horizontal logo: 389 width x 32 height pixels
If you upload a smaller or larger image, the image is resized to exactly 389 x 32 pixels. If the aspect ratio does not match, then the image will be distorted. For example, a 132 x 132 pixel image expands to 389 x 32 pixels, causing distortion.
Square logo (mark): 32 width x 32 height pixels
This example includes a custom branding with colors and logo mark as would be displayed on a mobile device.
Uploading Your Logo
On the Organizations page, you can upload your custom logo for your organization.
- Go to Menu and then [Identity > Organization].
- To open the Edit window, click the pencil icon next to the organization name.
- Click Select file to upload and select the logo image on your computer. You’ll see a preview your logo.
- Click Save, if satisfied. You may change your custom logo images at any time.
Customizing your Organization’s Dashboard
Layer5 Cloud supports customizing dashboard layouts on a per organization basis. As an administrator of your organization, you can customize the dashboard experience for all members of your organization. To customize your organization’s dashboard, select from a collection of widgets to include or exclude.
To customize your organization’s dashboard, follow the steps in this video or the steps outlined in the screenshots below.

Each of the prebuilt widgets can be added to a dashboard only once. If find that a particular widget that you would like to have is not available, please let us know.
Custom Domain Name and Login Screen
Layer5 Cloud supports customizing the login screen based on custom domain name. Redirect your users to your own domain name. For example, if your domain name is mycompany.com
, you can redirect users to meshery.mycompany.com
Example: Layer5 Cloud custom branding on login screen with CNCF branding. Live example: https://cloud.layer5.io/signup?program=cncf
A subdomain is the part of a URL before the root domain. You can configure your subdomain as www or as a distinct section of your site, like hub.cncf.io.
Subdomains are configured with a CNAME record through your DNS provider.
Configuring a subdomain
To set up a www or custom subdomain, such as www.example.com
or meshery.example.com
, you must add your domain in the repository settings. After that, configure a CNAME record with your DNS provider.
In Layer5 Cloud, navigate to your Provider Organization.
Under your Organization name, click Edit. If you cannot click the “Edit” action, verify that you are a Provider Administrator.
Under “Custom domain”, type your custom domain, then click Save. This will create a server configuration will require a reboot in order to take affect.
Note: If your custom domain is an internationalized domain name, you must enter the Punycode encoded version.
Navigate to your DNS provider and create a CNAME record that points your subdomain to the default domain for your site. For example, if you want to use the subdomain hub.cncf.io
for your user site, create a CNAME record that points hub.cncf.io
to cloud.layer5.io
. For more information about how to create the correct record, see your DNS provider’s documentation.
Warning: We strongly recommend that you do not use wildcard DNS records, such as*.example.com
. These records put you at an immediate risk of domain takeovers, even if you verify the domain. For example, if you verify example.com this prevents someone from using a.example.com
, but they could still take over b.a.example.com
(which is covered by the wildcard DNS record).Verifying your custom domain
Open Terminal.
To confirm that your DNS record configured correctly, use the dig command, replacing hub.cncf.io
with your subdomain.
$ dig WWW.EXAMPLE.COM +nostats +nocomments +nocmd > ;hub.cncf.io. IN A > hub.cncf.io. 3592 IN CNAME . > meshery.layer5.io. 43192 IN CNAME meshery.layer5.io . > meshery.layer5.io . 22 IN A
White Label FAQ
Frequently asked questions about white labeling.
Do users have to use my custom URL to access the Organization? No. In addition to your custom URL, you’ll always be able to log in from our website and access your Organization from https://cloud.layer5.io.
When I send someone a link that includes my custom URL, do they need to be logged in? Yes. Users will need to be signed in through your custom URL (not through cloud.layer5.io) in order to open links that include your custom URL. Users who are not logged in can quickly do so, and subsequently, be redirected to the link you have shared.